Topic: This is a step by step tutorial which teaches you how to get started with GitHub.
Time commitment: This tutorial is meant to occupy a single class meeting.
Prerequisite knowledge: This module assumes introductory-level of working on the command line but no specific programming language.
Course context: This module is designed for use in any introductory programming or data science course.
Learning objectives
This module is designed to help students meet the following learning objectives:
- Gain hands-on experience in GitHub using the command line
- Understand how people collaborate when developing projects in D4D
- Break the veil of being scared to modify things in a repo by utilizing the GitHub Playground
Each task is described in this link. Follow the steps in the tutorial explaining every term (fork, clone, branch, commit, push, pull-request, merge etc.) on the way.
- Assign group projects where teams use GitHub to collaborate.
- Create a local github-playground repo for the class with the list of tasks to manage the pull-requests on your own.
Random thoughts
- Go through common errors that one might encounter - why a merge might fail? How to debug code after a merge fails?
- Read/teach about how GitHub actually works.
- Do not worry, we’ve all been there! Join the #github-help-channel in D4D’s slack and ask for help if you get stuck.