D4D is assembling a collection of syllabi for courses in data science, digital humanities, statistics, digital studies, media literacy, or other courses that engage public data. The goal is to provide models for instructors looking to incorporate public data and/or pubic service into their courses, particularly with the goals of helping students either contribute to ongoing work in the D4D community (or similar work outside D4D), or gain skills/knowledge that will help them contribute to those kinds of projects.
Following is a list of syllabi from which to draw inspiration for your courses.
If you would like to contribute a syllabus for inclusion here, please visit the GitHub repository for this website (see the gh-pages
branch) for more information or to send a pull request. You are welcome to submit the syllabus to be hosted here, or to add a link below to your public syllabus. (If you do not plan on keeping your syllabus up on the public web long-term, we encourage you to submit it for inclusion on this site, rather than simply adding a link.)
Computational Music Analysis, Kris Shaffer, CU-Boulder. (This is not a D4D-specific course, but engages public data and serves as an example while we are still buiding the list.)