Assignments & Modules

Individual assignments and small modules
for courses and/or self-study

D4D is assembling a collection of individual assignments and small course modules (1-, 2-, or 3-week units) for courses in data science, digital humanities, statistics, digital studies, media literacy, or other courses that engage public data. Many of these assignments/modules are compatible with individuals performing self-study to “level up” in their data wrangling/analysis skills. All of these assignments engage publicly available data and have been designed to help students grow in their data science skills while also contributing to the goals of D4D.

Following is a list of assignments and modules for instructors, students, and autodidacts to peruse and engage. Each assignment/module contains detailed information about specific learning objectives, the prerequisite skills required to succeed in the tasks it includes, links to public datasets, and (where possible) links to publicly available readings. The assignments were also created with the goals of helping students either contribute to ongoing work in the D4D community (or similar work outside D4D), or gain skills/knowledge that will help them contribute to those kinds of projects.

If you would like to contribute an assignment/module, please visit the GitHub repository for this website (see the gh-pages branch) for more information or to send a pull request.

Assignments and course modules

Weekly Reflections, Anna Koop.

Icebreaker Software Engineering Exercise(s) - Readable Code, Anna Koop.

Getting started with GitHub, D4D Tutorials.